Marketed: Saka Fasken Nonop Dry Gas Properties, Webb County, Texas

Transaction Type
Eagle Ford Shale; Austin Chalk
Announce Date
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Room Opening Date
Estimated Price

The following information is provided by Detring Energy Advisors LLC. All inquiries on the following listings should be directed to Detring. Hart Energy is not a brokerage firm and does not endorse or facilitate any transactions.

Saka Fasken LLC retained Detring Energy Advisors to market for sale its nonoperated properties located in Webb County, Texas, in the core of the dry gas Eagle Ford and Austin Chalk fairway.

The assets offer an opportunity to acquire a 36% working interest across a contiguous, fully HBP, footprint to about 8,000 gross acres with well-established production of 22 MMcf/d (net) generating $80 million in next 12-month operating cash flow, according to Detring. The properties are operated by SilverBow Resources Inc., a publicly listed, pure-play Eagle Ford E&P, with seven near-term development wells and an active horizontal development program.

Process Summary:

  • Evaluation materials are available via the Virtual Data Room on July 5
  • Bids are due Aug. 10

For information visit or contact Melinda Faust at or 512-296-4653.