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Creating the Future of Energy, Today

Carbon Capture | Hydrogen | Geothermal | Oilfield Electrification | Emissions

August 27-28, 2024 | Houston, TX | Hilton Americas - Houston



Today's oil and gas technologies hold significant potential to address future energy challenges. Innovations in drilling techniques, such as horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing, have unlocked previously inaccessible natural gas reservoirs, providing a bridge toward a lower-carbon energy future. Utilizing this technical know-how, traditional oil and gas companies are exploring alternative energy streams like geothermal and hydrogen solutions.

Furthermore, advancements in carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) technologies offer a promising avenue for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. By leveraging these technologies, we can develop integrated energy systems that prioritize efficiency and reliability.

Join us to hear from the industry's top experts showcasing today's innovations to solve future energy challenges.

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Capture & Storage

Technological advances in CCUS are crucial for achieving emissions targets, as they enhance the continued use of fossil fuels while minimizing their environmental impact. Investments in this vital technology are critical for global adoption.


Energy & Storage

As production, storage, and distribution infrastructure develop, domestic projects can potentially place the U.S. at the center of the global marketplace for cleaner energy and play a vital role in the future of energy.



A sustainable and renewable power source harnessing the heat already generated in the Earth’s core. Innovative oil and gas drilling techniques, such as horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing, will be the bridge to accessing these reservoirs.



Electrifying oilfield operations is becoming an increasingly viable option for reducing the intensity of oil and natural gas production. Investing in these technologies and maximizing them at scale can yield long-term benefits and deliver lower-carbon power to the oilfield.



Any and all of the various strategies and technological innovations companies implement to promote emissions reductions and contribute to enhanced operational efficiency and sustainability, positioning them as leaders in the evolving energy landscape.

Day 1 Tuesday, August 27th
8:00 - 9:00 AM

Registration Opens and Breakfast on the Exhibit Floor

9:00 - 9:15 AM

Introduction and Welcoming Remarks

9:15 - 9:45 AM

Opening Keynote

9:45 - 10:15 AM

The Macro Perspective on the Energy Transition: Where Are We Now? And Where Are We Going?

The world needs, and is demanding, cleaner forms of energy. Climate goals are in reach, but are becoming increasingly challenging to meet. The energy transition is taking many forms, with many solutions taking shape. In this session, some of the key takeaways will include:

  • Understanding the current energy landscape and current trajectories
  • What is still needed to achieve climate goals
  • The big picture on carbon management around the world
  • What types of energy solutions will move the needle on climate change

Regina Mayor, Global Head of Clients & Markets, KPMG
Cindy Yeilding, Senior Vice President (retired), BP America

10:15 - 10:45 AM

A Deep Dive on Carbon Capture and Storage: An Exploration of National and Global CCS Projects

There are more than 40 carbon capture and storage projects in operation around the world today, with more than 320 projects in various phases of development. According to the Global CCS Institute, year-over-year projects have increased by 102%. Get to know more about the status of these projects and more in this session, including:

  • What enables a project’s potential feasibility and eventual operational success
  • What roadblocks to project development exist and insight into overcoming them
  • The role of national and global policy in developing CCS projects
  • Insight into developing a CCS project for financial success

Greg Matlock, 
Global Energy & Resources Tax Leader, EY
Errol Pinto, Senior Policy & Commercial Lead, Global CCS Institute

10:45 - 11:10 AM

Networking Break 

11:10 - 11:35 AM

U.S. Hydrogen Hub Program: What Is It and What Does It Mean? 

In October, the U.S. Department of Energy selected seven regional hydrogen hubs around the country to kickstart a national hydrogen economy. The project could position the U.S. at the center of the global marketplace for clean energy. In this session, you’ll hear more about:

  • The structure and operational framework of the different hydrogen hubs
  • Knowing the key players and their roles in the grand initiatives
  • Perspective on the impact of the Hydrogen Hub on the U.S. natural gas industry
  • The path to unlocking the economic potential of the Hydrogen Hub

Katherine Zimmerman,
Decarbonization Director, Wood

11:35 - 12:05

The Growth of Geothermal Energy in the U.S. and Around the World

Geothermal energy can be attractive to both new and clean energy pioneers as well as traditional fossil fuel producers. According to the U.S. EIA, geothermal power plants emit no greenhouse gases and have life cycle emissions four times lower than solar PV, and six to 20 times lower than natural gas. So, what does the future look like for geothermal energy? Join this session and here more about:

  • Why geothermal production can be attractive for fossil fuel producers
  • The prospects of geothermal energy: What is the growth potential?
  • The role of new technology development in geothermal power generation
  • Where and when geothermal energy makes sense in the new energies landscape

Jeff Busby,
Vice President, New Energy, Weatherford
Tim Latimer, CEO, Fervo Energy
Ajit Menon, Vice President, Geothermal, Baker Hughes

12:05 - 1:30 PM

Networking Luncheon 

1:30  - 2:00 PM

Understanding the IRA: Breaking Down the Inflation Reduction Act

The 2022 Inflation Reduction Act made the single largest investment in climate and energy in U.S. history. The sweeping measure means billions of dollars are available for clean energy and technology development. But understanding the nuances of the IRA is the first step toward capitalizing on its opportunities. Some key points this session will cover include:

  • The need to decrease costs by using tax incentives
  • Understanding the goals and metrics put in place by the IRA
  • Insight into the types of programs and initiatives that might qualify for funding
  • How changing U.S. policy and perspectives could impact the IRA
2:00 - 2:25 PM

Developments and Challenges of Carbon Accounting for the Energy Transition

With no standard established for carbon data collection methodologies, energy companies are faced with significant challenges in meeting carbon reporting requirements. Meanwhile, understanding and accounting for Scope 3 emissions is emerging as a key factor in the social license. Discussion in this session will focus on:

  • How oil and gas producers are meeting the challenges of carbon data collection and reporting
  • What service providers are doing to help companies develop carbon accounting methodologies
  • Understanding the GHG Protocol, the main guidance on carbon accounting
  • How to establish achievable and realistic public emission reduction goals

Chris Angelides, Managing Director, EY
Carolina Ortega, Vice President, Sustainability & Communications, Milestone Environmental Services

2:25 - 2:50 PM

Methane Mitigation in the Greenhouse Gas Value Chain

Markets in Europe and parts of Asia are demanding decarbonized “blue” hydrogen and ammonia, and that demand is only expected to grow. With hydrogen production accelerating, new markets—and new opportunities—are emerging. But in order to get there, the first step is to manage and reduce methane emissions. In this session, you’ll learn more about:

  • The role of methane mitigation in the chain to create blue hydrogen and ammonia
  • Detection and mitigation technologies you can apply now
  • Insight into global hydrogen and ammonia demand
  • The role the Gulf Coast region will play in meeting global demand for hydrogen and ammonia
2:50 - 3:20 PM

Networking Break

3:20 - 3:45 PM

Direct Air Capture: A Key Technology in the Emissions Management Toolbox

With the ability to extract CO2 directly from the atmosphere, direct air capture could play an important role in meeting corporate and global climate initiatives. However, DAC is costly - more investments and policy measures are needed to advance technologies. In this session, you'll hear from some of those driving the technology initiatives, sharing perspectives that will cover: 

  • Project details: What projects are on the horizon, and what will their impact be? 
  • The role of Direct Air Capture and its potential impact on the energy transition
  • Economics insights: How DAC projects can make business sense
  • The role of DAC in hard-to-abate industries 
3:45 - 4:10 PM

Setting Sights on Carbon Sequestration: The Surge in Class VI Wells 

According to Enverus, permit applications for Class VI carbon capture and sequestration wells increased by 500% since 2001. And in January, The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency granted the State of Louisiana primacy over Class VI CCS wells. The session will provide an analysis of:

  • Current permit timelines and how they impact anticipated regional injection volumes
  • How current projects compare to pipeline transportation availability
  • And understanding of permitting trends, and the impact of new primacy regulations
  • An analysis of which regions and states are seeing the most Class VI activity

Dave Marchese,
CEO, Caliche Development Partners

Tyler Gray, Secretary, Louisiana Dept. of Natural Resources
Danny Kingham, Senior Associate Hydrogeologist, GSI Environmental


Caliche Development Partners

4:10 - 4:35 PM

Clean Power Generation: Modernizing Energy Consumption

As the World Economic Forum states, new clean power, grids and other related infrastructure must be deployed at an unprecedented speed and scale to reach net-zero targets and address energy security. It’s not only necessary to meet current energy demands, but also the increasing supply demands from transportation, the industrial sector and to decarbonize hard-to-abate industries. Key takeaways from this session will include:

  • How to address the challenge ahead in meeting clean energy demand
  • Insights into upgrading transmission and distribution networks as the economy moves toward electrification
  • The roles of green hydrogen and clean fuels in new clean power generation
  • Meeting high energy demand for heavy industry and digital services such as bit mining

Carson Kearl, 
Energy Transition Research, Enverus

4:35 - 5:00 PM

Insights on Energy Storage: Ensuring Supply Amid Intermittency

As the world moves toward decarbonization, energy storage will play a critical role in ensuring an adequate supply when renewable energy supply isn’t available. Battery-based energy storage systems are poised to help solve one of the key challenges in renewable energy production. In this session, panelists will discuss:

  • A deep dive into how batter-based energy storage systems work
  • Insight into how storage systems can help ensure continuous clean energy supply
  • An update on regional storage projects, and what’s likely to come
  • What’s needed to improve the efficiency and abilities of batter-based storage systems 

Andrew Cassidy, Business Development Manager, Hydrogen Storage, Vallourec
Kemp Gregory, CEO, Renewell

5:00 - 6:00 PM

Reception on the Exhibit Floor


Day 2 Wednesday, August 28th
8:00 - 9:00 AM

Registration Opens and Breakfast on the Exhibit Floor

9:00 - 9:15 AM

Welcome and Opening Remarks

9:15 - 9:40 AM

Maximizing Production Control: Oilfield Electrification 

Electrifying oilfield operations is becoming an increasingly viable option for reducing the intensity of oil and natural gas production. What does oilfield electrification really mean for the industry and why is the industry investing in it? In this session, you’ll learn about:

  • The tools and technologies being adopted across the industry
  • The benefits of moving from hydrocarbon fuels to electrification
  • Ways to maximize oilfield electrification technologies at scale
  • Accessing low-carbon power to maximize benefits

Edward Eichstetter, CEO, EKU Power Drives

9:40 - 10:10 AM

Geothermal Power Generation Leveraging Equipment and Skills from the Oil and Gas Industry

There is huge potential for geothermal power generation across the U.S. and the world from hot dry rock deep in the earth. To be commercially viable, it will be critical for the geothermal industry to leverage the robust and proven oil and gas industry to help deliver these wells and power plants at a cost that is competitive with other forms of energy production. This session will cover:

  • The latest innovations that make geothermal energy a real solution now
  • The maturity of these technologies and when can we expect utility-scale geothermal generation 
  • The results of early geothermal well production and test pilots
  • What’s needed to advance geothermal production in the U.S.

Alexis Garcia, Director of Business Development - Alternative Energies, NOV Energy Products & Services
Bonnie En Powell, CEO, RESMAN Energy Technology
Cindy Taff, CEO, Sage Geosystems

10:10 - 10:35 AM

New Energy Supply Source: Lithium

Extracting lithium from subsurface brines represents an opportunity to produce this critical mineral used in advanced batteries designed for stationary storage and electric vehicles. The U.S. Department of Energy recently announced $10.9 million for several lithium projects, and companies like ExxonMobil are exploring lithium extraction at scale. In this session, you’ll hear more about:

  • A look at lithium projects around the country, and their possibilities
  • What types of incentives are in place that could bolster lithium investments
  • An analysis of lithium supply versus potential power demands
  • What is needed to develop lithium extraction at scale

Justin Love, CEO, ION Minerals

10:35 - 11:00 AM

Networking Break

11:00 - 11:30 AM

Moving Carbon and Hydrogen: The Midstream of the Energy Transition 

Carbon sequestration and hydrogen production projects are rapidly emerging, so ensuring proper infrastructure is in place is critical to their success. The development of pipelines and other transportation and transmission systems is a key component of the energy transition. Discussion topics in this session will include:

  • Where are we now? What pipelines and systems are readily available for carbon and hydrogen?
  • What’s needed to retrofit existing pipelines and infrastructure
  • What types of opportunities exist in the midstream sector of the energy transition

Akshaya Jaisankar, Director of Valuation Services, Moss Adams

Kelsie Van Hoose,  Director of Business Development, Williams New Energies Ventures
Mike Sloan, CEO, Synergetic
Seth Wright, Business Development Director, Kinder Morgan


11:30 - NOON

Funding and Investments in the Energy Transition

Capital has returned to traditional energy sectors, but high interest rates, development costs and return rates have challenged the energy transition. But value can still be found in clean tech and new energy initiatives. Key takeaways from this session will include:

  • How are capital markets assessing the energy transition?
  • What types of projects work—and which don’t—for venture capital?
  • What are private equity companies looking for in a potential investment?
  • What is the long-term view on energy transition capital investment?

Michael Collier, 
Partner - Transaction Advisory Service, Weaver
Jim Hughes, Managing Partner, EnCap Energy Transition
Mahesh Konduru, CEO, Momentum Technologies
Chris Rozzell, Managing Partner, Cresta


Conference Adjourns


Jack Belcher


Sophia Cunningham

Vice PresidentHouston Energy Transition Initiative

Abhinav Charan

Head of Commercial OptimizationExxonMobil Low Carbon Solutions

Keila Diamond

Managing Director and Head of ESGQuantum Capital Group

Emily Easley

CEONOVUS Energy Advisors

Kerry Fellers

Director of MembershipGeothermal Rising

Joe Hill

Vice President of New EnergiesVallourec

Cody Johnson

CEOSCS Technologies

Morgan Kwan

Director, Energy Transition ResearchEnverus

Carolina Ortega

Vice President of Sustainability and CommunicationsMilestone Environmental Services

Dr. Rachel Schelble

Head of Corporate Carbon Management and InfrastructureWood Mackenzie

Christina Staib

Global Impact Finance LeadGlobal CCS Institute

Nathan Welch, Ph.D.

Director - Technical ResourcesPickering Energy Partners

James West

Senior Managing DirectorEvercore

Featured Sponsors

Meet Our Featured Speakers

You’ll hear from speakers representing the most active players, from the financial community to the producers’ C-suites.
Chris Angelides

Managing Director, EY

Jeff Busby

Vice President, New Energy, Weatherford

Andrew Cassidy

Business Development Manager, Hydrogen Storage, Vallourec

Michael Collier

Partner - Transaction Advisory Services, Weaver

Alexis Garcia

Director of Business Development - Alternative Energies, NOV Energy Products & Services

Edward Eichstetter

CEO, EKU Power Drives

Tyler Gray

Secretary, Louisiana Dept. of Natural Resources

Kemp Gregory

CEO, Renewell

Jim Hughes

Managing Partner, EnCap Energy Transition

Akshaya Jaisankar

Director of Valuation Services, Moss Adams

Carson Kearl

Energy Transition Research, Enverus

Danny Kingham

Senior Associate Hydrogeologist, GSI Environmental

Mahesh Konduru

CEO, Momentum Technologies

Justin Love

CEO, ION Minerals

Greg Matlock

Global Energy & Resources Tax Leader, EY

Regina Mayor

Global Head of Clients and Markets, KPMG

Ajit Menon

Vice President, Geothermal, Baker Hughes

Errol Pinto

Senior Policy & Commercial Lead, Global CCS Institute

Bonnie En Powel

CEO, RESMAN Energy Technology

Mike Sloan

CEO, Synergetic

Cindy Taff

CEO, Sage Geosystems

Kelsie Van Hoose

Director of Business Development, Williams New Energies Ventures

Seth Wright

Business Development Director, Kinder Morgan

Cindy Yeilding

Senior Vice President (retired),, BP America

Katherine Zimmerman

Decarbonization Director, Wood

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