Innova Exploration Ltd.

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Innova Exploration Ltd. has retained Sayer Energy Advisors to sell its working interests in 11 producing oil and gas properties and its royalty interests in nine producing gas properties. Recent production net to Innova from the working-interest properties has averaged approximately 460,000 cubic feet of gas and 33 barrels per day of gas liquids and oil, for total daily production of approximately 110 barrels of oil. The royalty properties have recently produced approximately 165,000 cubic feet of gas per day net to Innova. The working-interest properties are in the Bindloss, Brazeau River, Carrot Creek, Chigwell/Ferrybank, Elnora, Garrington, Gilby/Willesden Green, Norris, Province, Rainbow/Rainbow South and Redwater areas of Alberta. The package of royalty properties consists of overriding royalty interests, as well as some minor freehold title interests, in properties in Britts, Kahntan, Wolverine, Countess, Ferrier, Hangingstone, Kakwa, Medicine Hat, Newby and Thornbury, Alberta, and the Fort Pitt area of Saskatchewan. For more information, Alan Tambosso at 403-266-6133.