Water management needs in the fracing process are greater today than ever. Acquiring on-site results to ensure base water quality standards are met and to identify potential interferences with fracing fluid can be challenging. However, the impact water quality can have on both the efficiency of the frac job and the long-term production rates of the well make on-site analysis an important step in the process. The CEL/890 Oil & Gas Water Quality Laboratory maximizes performance and rapid decision making by providing the tools necessary to produce real-time, consistent results in the field. All required equipment and accessories are included in a rugged carrying case for easy transportation. The company has recognized the heightened importance of getting fast, reliable results on-site. According to the company, the equipment is easy to use and features on-screen prompts to guide users through testing procedures, and probes that automatically recognize the testing parameter, calibration history and method settings. The mobile laboratory is designed specifically for fracing applications, and it includes a DR890 Colorimeter, HQ40d digital meter, a digital titrator and reagents for 12 critical parameters – alkalinity, bacteria, chloride, chlorine, conductivity, hardness, iron, manganese, pH, phosphate, silica, and sulfate. More parameters may be added as needed. More information about technical specifications and ordering is available at www.hach.com/oilandgas.