This weekend Sunday has a whole new meaning. For the first time since August 2009 there are no football games on. And to top it all off, it's Valentine's Day - a holiday created by Hallmark to show those you love how much you love them. But what if you don't want to go out or you're single or just plain 'ol not interested in the whole red-heart hoopla? You already know there's nothing worth watching on TV on weekends so, there's always the computer. It's a PERFECT time to catch up on your E&P webinars. The following list is our recent and upcoming complimentary webinars. Enjoy! Storm Clouds Ahead: The Longer-Term Forecast For The Weather-Related Impact On Natural Gas Overview: During this webinar, Dr. Michael Ferrari, industry-recognized vice president of applied technology and commodity research for Weather Trends International, will review the short-term U.S. weather pattern, then move into a seasonal outlook, highlighting those periods in which gas demand is likely to be high or low. In addition, it will be made clear why the Weather Trends forecast is different from many of other winter outlooks, and how this fits in the context of today's commodity markets—and producers’ hedging decision making.Also included in this broadcast will be a demonstration of the ability to use data from multiple sources in an interactive, visual presentation that improves the process of extracting understanding and insight in complex and dynamic energy markets. Using Digital Oilfield Information For Asset Improvement What You Will Learn: --A framework—including assessment, business-case development and implementation stages—that assures full benefits are realized from Digital Oilfield projects. --Commercially available tools and methodologies that can improve time-to-benefit for Digital Oilfield investments. --Empowered collaboration among diverse disciplines as a means to improved decision making—including for production forecasting, vendor-performance evaluation and the integration of field data. --Real-life scenarios for production engineers, operations managers and financial analysts, focused on field operations and asset management. How BP Derives Business Benefit From Technology-Driven Initiatives What You Will Learn: -- Achieving real-time collaboration across multiple disciplines. -- Workflow as a ruling management concept. -- Getting closer to “closed-loop control” in the upstream. -- The growing impact of analytics and modeling. Also make sure to sign up for our upcoming free webinars: The View from the Corner Suite: Leslie Haines Talks With El Paso Corp.’s Doug Foshee Overview: Continuing "The View from the Corner Suite" webinar series launched in 2009 by Oil and Gas Investor and SAP, editor-in-chief Leslie Haines talks live with Doug Foshee, chairman, president and chief executive officer of oil and gas producer and pipeline operator El Paso Corp. at 10 a.m. CST, Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2010. Attendees in the approx. 55-minute live webinar program may submit questions at any time during the program for Foshee to address. Oil-Prone Shales: Their Nature, Location, Production Potential What You Will Learn: --The three main types of shale-oil systems, which has the best potential for production, and why. --Regional prospectivity of the main types of shale-oil systems. --Why the Bakken play works—and works so well. --The nuts and bolts of the Bakken petroleum system, and how this translates to analogous plays. Have a wonderful weekend!