Americans, and the world, are still shocked by the magnitude of the tragedy as we continue to be awed by the unfaltering bravery of police, firefighters, and other rescue workers. These Tribute images, many of which were captured by Lowell Georgia in earlier days, reflect the beauty of the New York skyline. Even more important now, they reflect the strength and vitality of the people of New York. The sponsors of Tribute are the oil and gas industry. They are industry giants with the unflagging resolve to make the world better. Giants who stepped forward in this time of great need. Their unconditional support reflects our deep sorrow and sympathy-and our heartfelt thanks to the heroes of these tragic times. Tribute is dedicated to our countrymen and women, neighbors and friends and to our unified spirit, courage and commitment to recovery. Our intense prayers and deep spiritual support stay with those who suffered devastating personal loss. We have mourned with them and extend our hands to all needing our help. Hart Publications donated resources to produce and print Tribute so that every penny, every dollar donated by the sponsors of Tribute can be given to the American Red Cross, the New York Firefighters 9-11 Disaster Relief Fund, and the New York Fraternal Order of Police WTC Fund. As New York and our nation rebuild, Tribute pays enduring respect to the spirit of justice and recovery that will guide us as a country. God Bless America.