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Jordan Soto, Hart Energy Staff: We are celebrating Hart Energy's 50th anniversary and Hall of Fame celebration of all these movers and shakers in the industry now. Not a hall of famer yet, but CTO and CMO of NOV, this is David Reid. David, thank you so much for being here. What are you most excited about for this night?

David Reid, CTO and CMO, NOV: What's really great is so many amazing people that you've known about and seen over the years and seeing all of their stories being told and just them being celebrated. It's really exciting.

JS: As we're looking at these movers and shakers and the change, not only that they've had to endure, but the industry has had to endure. We're looking at a new horizon as well. How do you see the future of the energy industry playing out with the balance of fossil fuels and the transition?

DR: It's great. I love it. But mostly because in our business we make things. And so a lot of people will ask us, oh, there are these new skills that you need to get. It's not new skills for us. So we're talking about the same type of work and applying it. And what's great is the spirit of the industry. Same as we're seeing these stories being told of people who brought new things, new ideas, rapidly making things work better, allowing us to get to resources. Same issues, so we have to get to these resources economically. We have to do very complex things. And I'm thrilled about us being the answer to the future of new energy.

JS: Innovation has kind of been your through line throughout your time in the energy industry. And as we're looking at what people are calling the great crew change, which we had just discussed earlier, what energy industry advice do you have for Hart Energy readers and young people abroad?

DR: I would say always look for problems to solve. It's the nature of our business. So looking for whatever specialty you have, looking into it and saying, okay, what can I do differently? What can I bring to the table? And always being curious. And so anytime you see a problem, even though people have solved the problem or think they know the answer or where the problem is, to go deeper, ask more questions, to be able to keep pushing against things and be a part of the change. And that's what I've enjoyed my career is we're always causing change to happen.

JS: As you're looking at those things that you could do differently, one thing that I've noticed as I followed along with your journey is RedM, which you're a big advocate of, you started it I believe. So talk a little bit about that integration and how that came to be and where you see that going in corporation with your career in the energy industry.

DR: Something that you learn, and I think it's in the nature of the industry, is we give back and we see problems and we solve problems. And so you can apply that and I did into human trafficking. And so you see it as you travel the world. And then we started to see it here in Houston. And so what I realized, particularly the new generation is willing to jump in and do. And so although we can ask for money, which we do, we realized there are things we can all do to give a little bit of ourselves together. So it's a very large group of professionals who are out there running events, doing whatever they need to with their company so that we can educate people about trafficking because there are risks to our own families, but at the same time going out there and saying, how can we generate more awareness and then produce money for the survivors of trafficking?

JS: It's fantastic. And a mover and shaker, I believe you are. Thank you so much for the time. This is Hart Energy LIVE's 50th anniversary and Hall of Fame celebration.