Jennifer Pallanich, senior technology editor, Hart Energy: For the past two decades, this company has monitored 50,000 frac stages and is now repurposing their oil and gas technology into new markets. This is Tech Trends at URTeC with Hart Energy LIVE.

Charlie Stevens, VP of sales, MicroSeismic: Mostly these days we're involved in pad situations or cube drilling where it's multi-bench. And so pretty much every time you complete a well, you're going to have a frack driven interaction, and they can be very harmful. So most of our time is spent working with customers to create pressure regimes and treatment order to mitigate that interaction and optimize production. And interestingly enough, we found that just by simply changing the order that you complete these wells, which costs next to nothing, you can really, really get great production improvements.

JP: Tell me about the DOE grant that MicroSeismic has received for a CO2 sequestration project.

Gary Hargraves, president, COO, MicroSeismic: It's actually three DOE awards that we've won.

JP: Three!

GH: Yes—Three. So this is a phase two for an autonomous continuous monitoring project for CO2 sequestration and storage. It's very unique in the industry, and we feel really strong and competent on the project that we're looking to have start this fall.

JP: Learn about the latest Tech Trends