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Earthstone Energy Inc.

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Earthstone Energy Inc. is a growth-oriented, independent energy company engaged in development and operation of oil and natural gas properties. The company’s primary assets are in the Midland Basin of West Texas and the Eagle Ford Trend of South Texas. Earthstone is traded on NYSE under the symbol “ESTE.” 

Editor's note: Updated Aug. 19, 2019.


Report Date Amount (MM) Description
2024-05-07 --

Permian Resources Closes $4.5B Earthstone Energy Acquisition

Permian Resources Closes $4.5B Earthstone Energy Acquisition

Report Date Amount (MM) Description
2024-05-07 --

Earthstone, NOG Close $1.5B Acquisition of Novo Assets

Earthstone, NOG Close $1.5B Acquisition of Novo Assets

Report Date Amount (MM) Description
2022-08-18 --

Marketed: Earthstone Energy Operated Eastern Midland Basin Opportunity

Marketed: Earthstone Energy Operated Eastern Midland Basin Opportunity

Report Date Amount (MM) Description
2022-08-10 $627.00

Earthstone Launches Another Deal to Add Titus’ Delaware into the Fold

Earthstone Launches Another Deal to Add Titus’ Delaware into the Fold

Report Date Amount (MM) Description
2022-08-10 $627.00

Earthstone Launches Another Deal to Add Titus’ Delaware into the Fold

Earthstone Launches Another Deal to Add Titus’ Delaware into the Fold

Report Date Amount (MM) Description
Report Date Amount (MM) Description
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Report Date Amount (MM) Description
Report Date Amount (MM) Description
Report Date Amount (MM) Description
Report Date Amount (MM) Description
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Report Date Amount (MM) Description
2100-10-01 $000.00

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2100-10-01 $000.00

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2100-10-01 $000.00

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2100-10-01 $000.00

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New Financings

Report Date Type Amount (MM) Description
2022-06-02 Earthstone Energy Inc. Debt $1,400.00

Entered into an amendment to the company’s senior secured revolving credit facility, extending the…

Report Date Type Amount (MM) Description
2022-04-07 Earthstone Energy Holdings LLC Debt $550.00

Subsidiary Earthstone Energy Holdings LLC (EEH) priced the announced private offering 8% senior unsecured…

Report Date Type Amount (MM) Description
2022-01-31 Earthstone Energy Inc. Equity $280.00

Concurrent with the signing of the Bighorn acquisition agreement on Jan. 31, entered into an agreement to…

Report Date Type Amount (MM) Description
2019-11-21 Earthstone Energy Inc. Debt $325.00

Earthstone Energy Inc. entered into a new credit agreement with respect to its senior secured…

Report Date Type Amount (MM) Description
2018-10-18 Earthstone Energy Inc. Debt $300.00

Earthstone expects to acquire 20,800 net acres located in the Midland Basin and an estimated 488 gross…

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Report Date Type Amount (MM) Description
Report Date Type Amount (MM) Description
Report Date Type Amount (MM) Description
2100-05-23 Transaction $888.88

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2100-05-23 Transaction $888.88

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2100-05-23 Transaction $888.88

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NOG’s Banner 2Q: Biggest M&A Deals, New Basins, Record Production

Non-operated specialist Northern Oil & Gas (NOG) had a banner second quarter, inking its largest acquisition ever in Utah and hitting record quarterly production.

Beyond Permian? Breaking Down E&Ps’ Second Half M&A Prospects

From Permian Resources and Diamondback Energy to Matador Resources and Civitas Resources, analysts weigh in on upstream companies’ M&A mindset as second-quarter earnings season gets underway.

Permian Resources Completes Liquidation of Canada’s Lynden Energy

Permian Resources said the liquidation of Lynden Energy, a subsidiary of Earthstone Energy, will simplify its corporate structure and reduce go-forward tax obligations at the time of the Earthstone acquisition.

Earthstone’s Anderson Relaunches, Seeks Conventional

The new E&P PetroPeak Energy will also take a look at unconventional property in the Eagle Ford and Austin Chalk.

Permian M&A: Oxy Shops Delaware Assets, Family Oil Cos. Stand Out

As operators scour the Permian Basin for M&A opportunities, they’re keeping an eye on a tepid divestiture market. Family-owned oil companies also stand out among the pack of private inventory holders remaining in the Permian, according to Enverus Intelligence Research.

Permian Resources Adds More Delaware Basin Acreage

Permian Resources also reported its integration of Earthstone Energy’s assets is ahead of schedule and raised expected annual synergies from the deal.

Novo II Reloads, Aims for Delaware Deals After $1.5B Exit Last Year

After Novo I sold its Delaware Basin position for $1.5 billion last year, Novo Oil & Gas II is reloading with EnCap backing and aiming for more Delaware deals.

Enverus: 1Q Upstream Deals Hit $51B, but Consolidation is Slowing

Oil and gas dealmaking continued at a high clip in the first quarter, especially in the Permian Basin. But a thinning list of potential takeout targets, and an invigorated Federal Trade Commission, are chilling the red-hot M&A market.

Mighty Midland Still Beckons Dealmakers

The Midland Basin is the center of U.S. oil drilling activity. But only those with the biggest balance sheets can afford to buy in the basin's core, following a historic consolidation trend.

Permian Resources Continues Buying Spree in New Mexico

Permian Resources acquired two properties in New Mexico for approximately $175 million.

Behind The Scenes: The Pioneer Exxon Deal from A to XOM

Pioneer was a potential buyer of a mystery E&P before deciding to sell to Exxon Mobil. Between June 22 and Oct. 10, terms of 2023’s largest U.S. oil and gas merger were debated.

Shale Outlook: Scarce Inventory to Drive Upstream M&A in ‘24

Permian Basin well productivity has trended down. Top-tier drilling locations are scarce. Capital is at a premium. E&Ps need low-cost inventory and scale, and they’re willing to pay big bucks to get them.

Exclusive: NOG's Permian, Partnership Evolution [WATCH]

Northern Oil & Gas' CEO Nick O'Grady details the companies growth transformation since expanding into the Permian in this Hart Energy LIVE Exclusive Interview. 

Permian Resources Closes $4.5B Earthstone Energy Acquisition

Permian Resources’ acquisition of Earthstone Energy increases its leasehold to more than 400,000 net acres and its production to 300,000 boe/d.

Earthstone Declares ‘Special’ Cash Dividend

Earthstone's dividend is payable Nov. 6 to shareholders of record as of Oct. 31.