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Carbon Tracker Initiative Ltd.


The Carbon Tracker Initiative is a not-for-profit financial think tank that seeks to promote a climate-secure global energy market by aligning capital markets with climate reality. Our research to date on the carbon bubble, unburnable carbon and stranded assets has begun a new debate on how to align the financial system with the energy transition to a low carbon future. 

Editor's note: Updated June 4, 2020.

Headquarters Address

United Kingdom


Fossil Fuel Registry Launched to Help Spot 'Stranded Assets'

Carbon Tracker and Global Energy Monitor's oil and gas reserves, production and emissions registry can help operators and climate activists cross-reference emissions information.

Pricey Investments Spell ‘Nightmare Scenario’ for Oil Companies

A new report says that oil companies should think twice before investing in new projects.

Oil Bankruptcies Could Shift Clean-up Bill to US Taxpayers

U.S. taxpayers could be left footing a bill of tens or even hundreds of billions of dollars to clean up oil and gas wells, a new report says.

Study: ‘Terminal Decline’ of Fossil Fuel Industry Risks New Financial Crisis

Whether and how fossil fuel demand may rebound after the pandemic is hotly contested, with many projections assuming that demand for oil, in particular, could steadily return as lockdowns lift.