It’s All Relative: Family Oil Companies Attract Huge M&A Attention

What role do firms controlled by descendants of the original Permian Basin wildcatters play in a sector increasingly dominated by scale?

Private E&Ps Pursue Dollars Amid Change

Producers contend with roiled capital markets as consolidation alters the strategic landscape.

Sea Power: Noble’s Deal Fires Major Volley in Offshore, Services M&A

Noble Corp.’s $1.6 billion acquisition of Diamond Offshore Drilling may seem like small potatoes compared to the upstream sectors’ massive megadeals, but service sector consolidation could snowball, analysts said.

Permian M&A: Oxy Shops Delaware Assets, Family Oil Cos. Stand Out

As operators scour the Permian Basin for M&A opportunities, they’re keeping an eye on a tepid divestiture market. Family-owned oil companies also stand out among the pack of private inventory holders remaining in the Permian, according to Enverus Intelligence Research.

Oil and Gas Chain Reaction: E&P M&A Begets OFS Consolidation

Record-breaking E&P consolidation is rippling into oilfield services, with much more M&A on the way.

Is Double Eagle IV the Most Coveted PE-backed Permian E&P Left?

Double Eagle IV is quietly adding leases and drilling new oil wells in core parts of the Midland Basin. After a historic run of corporate consolidation, is it the most attractive private equity-backed E&P still standing in the Permian Basin?

Brett: Oil M&A Outlook is Strong, Even With Bifurcation in Valuations

Valuations across major basins are experiencing a very divergent bifurcation as value rushes back toward high-quality undeveloped properties.

RBC: Minerals, E&P Stocks Wooing Back Generalist Investors

Public mineral and royalty companies have performed well in the markets, and investors are taking notice. But experts say mineral and royalties stocks still have a long way to go to compete for generalist investor capital.

Chord, Enerplus’ $4B Deal Clears Antitrust Hurdle Amid FTC Scrutiny

Chord Energy and Enerplus Corp.’s $4 billion deal is moving forward as deals by Chesapeake, Exxon Mobil and Chevron experience delays from the Federal Trade Commission’s requests for more information.

ConocoPhillips CEO Ryan Lance: Upstream M&A Wave ‘Not Done’ Yet

Dealmaking in the upstream oil and gas industry totaled $234 billion in 2023. The trend shows no signs of slowing, ConocoPhillips CEO Ryan Lance said at the CERAWeek by S&P Global conference.