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Production: 110 BO/d

Endeavor Canada, a subsidiary of Endeavor Energy Corp., Calgary, (OTCBB: ENEC) closed a farm-in with Quicksilver Resources Canada Inc., Fort Worth, Texas, (NYSE: KWK) to develop the Chigwell area of east-central Alberta. Endeavor has 100% working interest in a prospect in the middle Mannville Glauconite formation and the Lower Mannville sands. Quicksilver will retain a 15% nonconvertible override. Endeavor, who is also operator, anticipates drilling will commence within 60 days. Endeavor vice president, operations, Keith Miles says, "Endeavor is drilling for two stacked channel sands which are thick (some 100 feet) and contain both oil and gas. We are offsetting a channel, which runs east to west through the subject lands. The initial location is 2-24-43-26W4M. These channels are very porous and permeable and should contain considerable recoverable reserves." Initial production from the well is expected to be 60 to 110 barrels of oil and 500,000 cubic feet of gas per day.