Steve Alten, Ed.D. QUESTION: How does a tall, bearded radical Muslim living in a cave in Afghanistan divert the most powerful Air Force in the history of mankind from the most guarded air space on the planet on the very day of the worst terrorist attack…an attack that will lead to the invasion of Iraq, a country that has nothing to do with the events of 9/11? ANSWER: He doesn’t. On September 8th, 2009, my publisher released the mass market of The SHELL GAME, a thriller about the end of oil and the next 9/11 event – an event that will be orchestrated by Dick Cheney and the neoconservative war machine to get us to launch an invasion of Iran. The book, which is really a Trojan Horse designed to inform Americans what REALLY HAPPENED on 9/11, features shocking facts offered to me by police investigators and members of foreign intelligence services who KNEW the attacks were going to happen months in advance of September 2001…and were ignored! Yes, by now we know the Bush Administration lied about torture, lied about firing attorney generals, lied about weapons of mass destruction…but God-help you if you ever question the actual event that pulled the trigger on two U.S. invasions. I am not a conspiracy theorist, nor am I a lefty liberal. Yet there is absolutely an unofficial media blackout on anything to do with 9/11 Truth. Networks refuse to discuss it, and as an author, I have been disinvited to several speaking events affiliated with mainstream media. Ironically, The SHELL GAME is not about 9/11, it is about the reason 9/11 was allowed to happen (or made to happen, depending upon which 9/11 Truther you dare ask). And that reason is OIL. The simple, terrifying fact is that the world is running out of oil, which means we are running out of the one irreplaceable resource required to feed 6 billion people of us on this planet. And all the lies, cover-ups, and corporate bail-outs are not going to change that reality. Every week, another chapter in The SHELL GAME becomes non-fiction. Call it the audacity of truth in fiction. So let’s try this little exercise one last time: QUESTION: How does a tall, bearded radical Muslim living in a cave in Afghanistan divert the most powerful Air Force in the history of mankind from the most guarded air space on the planet on the very day of the worst terrorist attack…an attack that will lead to the invasion of Iraq, a country that has nothing to do with the events of 9/11? ANSWER: He doesn’t. Vice President Dick Cheney does, by conducting a series of wargame exercises (originally scheduled in late October) on the morning of September 11th, which purposely diverted all of our jet-fighters away from the NorthEastern Air Defense Sector (NEADS) where the four hijackings took place, sending them over Alaska, Greenland, Iceland, and Canada. One of these exercises, Vigilant Guardian, was a hijack drill designed to mirror the actual events taking place, inserting 22 false radar blips on the FAA’s radar screens so that flight controllers had no idea which blips were the hijacked aircraft and which were the wargame blips. As for the jet-fighters stationed at Andrews Air Force base a mere 12 miles from Washington DC – they were diverted hundreds of miles away so the Pentagon could be hit – a full 80 minutes AFTER the World Trade Center was struck by commercial jetliners. How was Dick Cheney able to do all this from his White House command bunker? Turns out “Vice” was quietly placed in-charge of all wargame exercises in May of 2001 by special Presidential Directive. These facts, which were purposely kept out of the 9/11 hearings by Bush appointee Philip Zelikow (along with a trove of other damning evidence) will never see a courtroom, despite the tireless efforts of a group of 9/11 Truth petitioners in New York. Grinding that axe yet? --Steve Alten, Ed.D.