A poll on our home page shows that the Eagle Ford shale is surpassing the Marcellus as what will be the hot shale in 2010. According to Google Analytics, Eagle Ford is currently just shy of the Marcellus as the most visited home page in our Unconventional Gas Center site (ugcenter.com). What's so attractive about it? Find out at https://www.ugcenter.com/Shales/US/EagleFord/. This link has all the latest information on the Eagle Ford, including Activity Highlights, topical webinars, shale players, feature stories and more! You can listen to a webinar about the Eagle Ford right now by clicking here. And right now if you subscribe to the Unconventional Gas Center you receive DVD of Hart’s 2009 Developing Unconventional Gas Conference ($597 value). Click here to subscribe to UGCenter.com; existing subscribers click here to renew. For more information contact Attrice Hunt at 713-260-6437 or email her at ahunt@hartenergy.com. To take a 3-minute tour of the site, click here. Disagree with the E&P poll? Let me know what you think by commenting!