Hart Energy Publishing won three significant awards at the 2010 Lantern Awards event in Houston on Tuesday, November 16. The Lantern Awards are presented annually by BMA-Houston to recognize companies that have created business-to-business marketing initiatives that reflect a spirit of excellence. E&P won the Lantern Award for its SEG daily series for the SEG International Exposition and 79th Annual Meeting held Oct. 25-29 in Houston. Hart’s Oil and Gas Investor (a.k.a. OGI) won a Lantern Award for a series of magazine covers. The third of Hart’s three awards recognized a non-profit DVD the company created to honor the 100th anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America. It is great to be recognized for the work we do. Hart is a broad company that spans upstream through downstream oil and gas activities and produces magazines including E&P, OGI, and Fuel, not to mention a new midstream magazine that will launch next year. The company also has a reputation for its special publications, which include field development supplements, maps, and shale play books, many of which are available for purchase on the Hart Store site. Hart also is home to the Unconventional Gas Center, a site that focuses exclusively on unconventional resources. Hart Energy Publishing is recognized in the world of investment and upstream technology as the industry leader in conferences on North American shale developments. It is equally well recognized for its downstream consulting group, the International Fuel Quality Center. If you read E&P magazine or visit EPmag.com, you probably think you know Hart Energy Publishing. My guess is that you know less about Hart than you think, and I invite you to learn more. Visit any of our sites, and I’m sure you will learn a thing or two. I promise it will be worth your while.