Under a license agreement, Wintershall Dea will service Halliburton subsidiary Landmark’s Unified Ensemble Modeling (UEM) solution, Halliburton said in its May 21 release.

UEM simultaneously integrates subsurface conditions across multiple scales. Halliburton said UEM “improves the accuracy” of reservoir models by including geologic uncertainties.

UEM allows Wintershall to continuously update its risk assessments for active drilling programs after drilling each new well while increasing drilling efficiency, reducing costs and improving worker safety, Halliburton said.

Wintershall looks to implement the solution in its drilling campaign at the Maria Field in the Norwegian Sea in 2025.

"The ability to update a drilling target and its uncertainties in real time provides operators unparalleled decision-making capabilities," said Nagaraj Srinivasan, senior vice president of Landmark, Halliburton digital solutions and consulting. "By updating earth models at speeds never before possible with well data acquired while drilling, Wintershall Dea will align subsurface and drilling objectives, thereby improving well productivity at a lower cost.”