Marketed: Vendera Resources Operated Anadarko Basin Properties

Transaction Type
Midcontinent; Anadarko Basin
Announce Date
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Estimated Price

The following information is provided by PetroDivest Advisors. All inquiries on the following listings should be directed to PetroDivest. Hart Energy is not a brokerage firm and does not endorse or facilitate any transactions.

Vendera Resources retained PetroDivest Advisors to market for sale its operated oil and gas properties located in the Texas and Oklahoma Panhandle. The assets offer an opportunity to acquire an operated, HBP footprint comprised of roughly 2,550 net acres and 26 low-decline vertical wells producing high-margin, gas-weighted cash flow from multiple stacked Granite Wash intervals, according to PetroDivest. Three operated horizontal Granite Wash PUD locations provide substantial undeveloped potential beyond PDP.

Process Summary:

  • Evaluation materials available via the Virtual Data Room on Sept. 12
  • Proposals due on Oct. 19

For information visit or contact Jerry Edrington, director of PetroDivest, at or 713-595-1017.