QEP Resources Inc.

Transaction Type
Paradox Basin
Post Date
Close Date
Estimated Price

The following information is provided by EnergyNet. All inquiries on the following listings should be directed to EnergyNet. Hart Energy is not a brokerage firm and does not endorse or facilitate any transactions.

QEP Resources Inc. retained EnergyNet to sell gas assets located in the Paradox Basin of southwest Colorado through an auction.

The sale includes nonoperated working interest in the McElmo Dome Unit plus HBP leasehold covering 416.084 net acres in Montezuma and Dolores counties, Colo.

Property Highlights:

  • 0.147532% WI / 0.121941% Unit NRI in the McElmo Dome Unit:
    • Various Tract NRIs
    • Producing CO₂ Unit
  • 12-Month Average Net Income: $33,785/Month
  • Six-Month Average 8/8ths Production: 996,512 Mcf/d of Gas
  • Operator: Kinder Morgan CO2 Co. LP
  • 416.084 Net HBP Leasehold Acres

Auction ends at 2:40 p.m. CST Sept. 19. For complete due diligence information visit energynet.com or email Ryan Dobbs, vice president of business development for EnergyNet, at Ryan.Dobbs@energynet.com.