E&P Magazine features tend to be somewhat siloed – exploration, drilling, production, etc. But we all know that the industry today doesn’t fall neatly into disparate categories. Seismic technology is used for production monitoring. Logging and drilling are now done at the same time.

So this year we’ve added a feature that addresses not exploration, drilling, or production challenges per se but rather “operator challenges” – risk management, operating efficiency, extending reservoir life, etc. A wide range of technologies and techniques spanning the entire upstream segment can be brought to bear on these issues.

While we work hard to be the eyes and ears of the industry for our readers, we can’t be everywhere at once, so your help is welcome. If your company has developed a technology or best practices to solve some of these thorny problems, feel free to write about it for us. Science is all about sharing ideas, and this is the perfect forum for some serious idea-sharing.

Upcoming operator solution features include unconventional resource development, improving exploration success, extending reservoir life, production improvement, and asset integrity optimization (for a complete list, see our media kit at https://www.epmag.com/Images/PDFS/HEP_MediaKit_2010.pdf). Contact any of the E&P editors if you have an article you’d like to see included in one of these features. Also, if you are an operator seeking solutions to a particular problem, let us know – we’ll try to find the answer for you!