Jennifer Pallanich, senior technology editor, Hart Energy: The industry is always trying to improve how it finds oil reservoirs. Halliburton is combining its data interpretation know-how with Resoptima's modeling expertise to deliver a new way of optimizing reservoir development decisions, while better understanding the subsurface risk.

Sebastien Strebelle, earth modeling domain owner, Halliburton: Unified and thermal modeling is a new reservoir modeling approach. The idea is to integrate all the subsurface data, including prediction data, and understand the subsurface risk associated with those data so we can make better development decisions.

JP: How exactly does it work?

SS: So the way it works is, as a geologist, you know that you don't know much about the subsurface, what's going on in the ground. So you need to try to estimate, okay, how much oil you have and how much you are going to produce from that. But there is a lot of uncertainties. So the idea is to capture, to assess, quantify those uncertainties, and then build reservoir models that incorporate those uncertainties. So at the end, you know what risks you have with your development projects and you can optimize your reservoir development decisions. Halliburton is very well-known for interpretation—interpreting well data, seismic data. And Resoptima is the leader in reservoir modeling, integrating production data. So by combining the interpretation capabilities from Halliburton with the reservoir modeling capabilities from Resoptima, we have an optimal global solution.

JP: What can a customer who's using the unified ensemble modeling workflow expect to achieve?

SS: So what we want to achieve is better reservoir prediction, making sure that we deliver the prediction on target and on time. So there is no bad surprise, like no early water breakthrough or no projection underestimation. We want to make sure that what you promise, you can deliver it,

JP: And that's our Hart Energy LIVE Exclusive. To learn more, go to