Jaxon Caines, technology report, Hart Energy: How can the oil and gas industry mitigate some of its carbon footprint using only vibrational frequencies? This is Tech Trends with Hart Energy LIVE at the 24th World Petroleum Congress.

Darryl McKinnon, COO, Enercat: Enercat is a unique technology that completely prevents paraffin scale and reduces the viscosity of heavy oil. It does that through this down hole tool, which contains a unique material alloy that emits a vibrational frequency that prevents the hydrocarbon and water molecules from bonding together, thereby creating the paraffin that causes all the problems. We found that we can reduce the viscosity of heavy oil and even affect the gravity, and that can dramatically reduce the amount of diluent our customers need to transport that oil, and that would have a huge impact on the carbon footprint of our customers.

JC: Where else do you see your technology being used?

DM: We are going to be moving from down hole and just more surface applications, such as flow lines, storage tanks, even possibly refineries. Our technology has a wide range of applications, especially when it comes to scale,

JC: And that's Tech Trends with Hart Energy LIVE at the 24th World Petroleum Congress. To learn more about Enercat, go to hartenergy.com/ep.