DUG Permian: Fireside Chat: Carbon Planning and Forecasting with Persefoni COO Jason Offerman

In this one-on-one discussion, we take a macro-view of the implementation of carbon management technologies and projects in the oil and gas business. This expert discussed how to simplify sustainability reporting and disclosures to better position your company for investment in a carbon-free future.

DUG Permian: Government Actions and Intentions on Carbon and Methane with Cornerstone Government Affairs

With climate change as a top legislative concern for the Biden administration and Congress, what can oil and gas executives and investors expect to see as potential actions on carbon and methane in the near future?

DUG Permian: Panel: The Methods of Methane Mitigation

Technology experts tell how monitoring methane is becoming easier, more efficient and more important.

DUG Permian: Roundtable: Lands of the (Emissions) Free

These technology providers discuss how technology is making carbon management goals possible in the patch.

DUG Permian: Spotlight: The CCUS Story with Gulf Coast Sequestration

Carbon capture technology has become a hot topic when it comes to managing carbon emissions from oil and gas fields in Texas and beyond. 

DUG Permian: The Madness of Methane Management with Darcy Partners' Jack Blears

Like carbon, methane is a hot topic among oil and gas executives these days. This technology E&P analyst tells how monitoring methane is becoming easier, more efficient and more important.

DUG Permian: Spotlight: Giving Carbon a Second Life

Technology providers shows why innovation is rethinking how to not only get carbon out of the atmosphere but also reusing it to make products and more.  

DUG Permian/Eagle Ford: Technical Spotlight; A Stimulating Future

Promising results from the joint industry and government-funded Hydraulic Fracturing Test Sites in the Permian Basin and Eagle Ford are shining new light on optimal fracturing process for the future.

DUG Permian/Eagle Ford: Tech Talk; Showing the Flow

In this case study, hear from executives at Abraxas Petroleum and WellData Labs on how real-time tracking of subsurface fluids is preventing/reducing frac hits.

DUG Permian/Eagle Ford: Hydraulic Fracturing in a Sub $50 World

Is sub $50 crude oil the new normal? And for how long? This leading market expert, Ian Macpherson from Simmons Energy, shares insights on the rest of the year and beyond.