Two Horizontal Mission Canyon Tests Scheduled In Fallon County, Mont.

Drilling Activity Details


United States

Post Date
Shore Type
Well Name
#31 MC-16NH Coral Creek Unit, #31 MC-16SH Coral Creek Unit
Geo Coordinate

Drilling Activity Summary


Denbury Resources Inc. has scheduled two horizontal Mission Canyon (Madison) tests on the Cedar Creek Anticline at a drillpad in Section 16-6n-60e of Fallon County, Mont. The #31 MC-16NH Coral Creek Unit will be drilled northwestward to 13,432 ft (7,179 ft true vertical) and will bottom in Section 9-6n-60e. The #31 MC-16SH Coral Creek Unit will be drilled to the southeast to 12,550 ft (7,177 ft true vertical) and will bottom in Section 15-6n-60e. The ventures are in an area of Lodgepole and Red River production in Lookout Butte Field. Denbury’s headquarters are in Plano, Texas.