McClosky Test Permitted In Gallatin County, Ill.

Drilling Activity Details


United States

Post Date
Shore Type
Well Name
#1-24 Lawler
Geo Coordinate

Drilling Activity Summary


A 2,975-ft McClosky test has been permitted by T & B Production Co. LLC in Gallatin County, Ill. The well, #1-24 Lawler, will be in Section 20-8s-9e. It has a projected depth of 2,975 ft and is in Inman West Consolidated Field. Nearby recovery is to the southeast in Section 24 at a 2,990-ft well completed in 2017 at #1 Frey. The completion was tested pumping 41 bbl of crude per day from Aux Vases at 2,782-90 ft. Offsetting #1 Frey are two shallower Tar Springs oil wells drilled in 2000 to depths of 2,140 ft and 2,141 ft. T & B is based in Memphis.