EOG Completes Two Marmaton Producers From Ellis County, Okla., Drillpad

Drilling Activity Details


United States

Post Date
Shore Type
Well Name
#26#2H Carroll, #26#4H Carroll
Geo Coordinate

Drilling Activity Summary


Two horizontal Marmaton producers were completed at a drillpad by Houston-based EOG Resources Inc. The #26#2H Carroll initially flowed 586 bbl of 44-degree-gravity oil, 937 Mcf of gas and 2.35 Mbbl of water per day. It is in Section 35-18n-24w of Ellis County, Okla. It was tested on a 56/64-in. choke with a shut-in tubing pressure of 720 psi and a flowing tubing pressure at 360 psi. Production is from perforations at 9,742-14,679 ft after acidizing and fracturing. It was drilled to the north to 14,709 ft (9,469 ft true vertical) and bottomed in Section 26-18n-24w. The #26#4H Carroll was drilled about 40 ft to the west and has a parallel Marmaton lateral that was drilled to 14,933 ft (9,477 ft true vertical) and bottomed in Section 26-18n-24w. Production is from an acidized and fractured zone at 9,810-14,917 ft flowing 293 bbl of oil with 414 Mcf of gas and 1.298 Mbbl of water daily. It was tested on a 56/64-in. choke and the shut-in tubing pressure was 750 psi and the flowing tubing pressure was 260 psi.