Block 9 Exploration Well in Cuba Spud by Melbana Energy

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Melbana Energy has spud exploration well #1-Alameda in Cuba’s Block 9. The venture will test three separate targets with a combined prospective resource (best estimate) of 141 MMbbl oil. According to Melbana, this is the first well in a two-well drilling campaign, which is being funded 85% by Sonangol (via a farm-in) and 15% by Melbana. Block 9 is estimated to contain 14.8 Bbbl of oil-in-place with prospective resources of 676 MMbbl (best estimate). A second planned exploratory in Block 9, #1-Zapatoi, is in Cuba’s oldest oil field, Motembo, which contains light oil. There are no previous wells that have drilled deep enough to test the Zapato structure. Melbana is based in Melbourne, Victoria.