Marketed: Territory Resources Operated North Central Oklahoma Properties

Transaction Type
East Watchorn, Moebius, Thomas, Three Sands & TMCU Fields
Announce Date
Post Date
Close Date
Room Opening Date
Estimated Price

The following information is provided by BOK Financial Securities Inc. All inquiries on the following listings should be directed to BOK Financial Securities. Hart Energy is not a brokerage firm and does not endorse or facilitate any transactions.

Territory Resources LLC is offering for sale producing operated properties in North Central Oklahoma located in Kay, Lincoln, Noble, Osage and Pawnee counties. BOK Financial Securities has been retained as the exclusive financial adviser to Territory.


  • Low decline conventional properties in North Central Oklahoma
    • Proved Developed Producing Reserves-to-Production Ratio of over 12.6 years due to shallow base decline
  • East Watchorn, Moebius, Thomas and TMCU fields average 100.0% Working Interest and 81.5% Royalty Interest
    • Three Sands Field average 49.8% Working Interest and 40.0% Royalty Interest
  • First-quarter 2019 average net production of 165 barrels of oil equivalent per day
    • 73% oil / 27% gas
    • Producing from the Pennsylvanian Sands, Mississippian and Cambrian formations
  • Average last 12-month cash flow of about $139,000 per month
  • Near term upside potential at current pricing includes:
    • Proven behind pipe opportunities
    • Infill drilling locations

Process Timeline:

  • Virtual Data Room Opens May 31
  • Offers Due June 27

For information, contact Jason Reimbold at or Will Hundley at