Marketed: Sabine Oil & Gas Texas Panhandle Operated Properties

Transaction Type
Texas Panhandle
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Estimated Price

The following information is provided by TenOaks Energy Advisors LLC. All inquiries on the following listings should be directed to TenOaks. Hart Energy is not a brokerage firm and does not endorse or facilitate any transactions.

Sabine Oil & Gas Corp. retained TenOaks Energy Advisors LLC as its exclusive adviser in connection with the sale of certain operated properties in the Texas Panhandle with bids due June 27.


  • Contiguous Operated position in the Texas Panhandle
    • 10,153 gross (6,132 net) acres in Roberts County, Texas (100% HBP)
    • Average Operated Working Interest: 59.4% / Net Revenue Interest: 46.1% (Net Revenue Interest/Working Interest: 77.6%)
  • Stable Cash Flow and Production
    • Projected May 2019 Net Production: about 1,051 barrels of oil equivalent per day (63% Liquids); over 99% operated
    • Projected May 2019 Cash Flow: about $433,000 from production and midstream combined
  • Owned and Controlled Midstream System with Capacity for Development Program
    • 46-mile gathering system - 6-inch and 8-inch (owned 75% by Sabine / 25% Boone Pickens)
    • 28 Granite Wash H horizontal locations

Bids are due by noon CST June 27. For information visit or contact Forrest Salge, TenOaks associate, at 214-420-2327 or