Marketed: River Ranch Capital Oklahoma Nonop Scoop Properties

Transaction Type
Midcontinent; Scoop Play
Announce Date
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Estimated Price

The following information is provided by Core Energy Advisors LLC. All inquiries on the following listings should be directed to Core Energy. Hart Energy is not a brokerage firm and does not endorse or facilitate any transactions.

River Ranch Capital LLC retained Core Energy Advisors LLC for the sale of its interests in oil and gas properties in Oklahoma, the majority of which are in the Scoop play in Grady County.


  • There are currently 274 producing wells, and full development of the properties will require at least an additional 500 wells.
  • Highly diversified asset. Large gross reserves—over 82 million barrels of oil and 523 billion cubic feet for the Proved Producing alone. Interests in individual wells are small.
  • PV-10 Value Total Proved Plus Probable is $15.208 million at the NYMEX strip prices as of March 1.
  • Primarily Operated by Continental Resources and Newfield Exploration (now Encana).
  • All Acreage is HBP and all locations are in-fill.

Bids are due by noon on April 24. For information visit or contact Harrison Williams, managing principal for Core Energy, at or 713-962-1400.