Marketed: Navitas Petroleum Operated Neches Field Opportunity

Transaction Type
Neches Field
Announce Date
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Room Opening Date
Estimated Price

The following information is provided by PetroDivest Advisors. All inquiries on the following listings should be directed to PetroDivest. Hart Energy is not a brokerage firm and does not endorse or facilitate any transactions.

Navitas Petroleum Onshore LLC has retained PetroDivest Advisors to market for sale its oil and gas producing properties and leasehold in a contiguous, legacy Woodbine field in Anderson and Cherokee counties, Texas.

The assets offer an attractive opportunity, PetroDivest said, to acquire low-decline, operated, vertical production from Woodbine target intervals which generate a resilient, high-margin cash flow stream from an oil-weighted product mix on steady decline with over 35 proven, low-cost, infill locations supporting long-term development and production maintenance.

Process Summary

  • Evaluation materials available via the Virtual Data Room on May 4
  • Bids are due on June 8

For information visit or contact Jerry Edrington, director of PetroDivest, at or 713-595-1017.