Marketed: M5 Standing Energy Producing East Texas Package

Transaction Type
East Texas
Martha Jo Field
Announce Date
Post Date
Close Date
Estimated Price

The following information is provided by Oil & Gas Asset Clearinghouse LLC. All inquiries on the following listings should be directed to Clearinghouse. Hart Energy is not a brokerage firm and does not endorse or facilitate any transactions.

M5 Standing Energy LLC retained Oil & Gas Asset Clearinghouse LLC for the sale of producing East Texas assets within Henderson County in a sale closing July 10.


  • Working interest 85.5%
  • 188 net acres
  • Net revenue interest 64.125%
  • Martha Jo Field
  • Producing from the Travis Peak Formation
  • Operated property
  • Net production roughly 1.2 barrels per day of oil
  • Average monthly net cash flow about $1,646 (last 12 months)

For information visit or contact Patrick DaPra, vice president of negotiated transactions for Clearinghouse, at or 832-601-7655.