Marketed: Grizzly Energy Scoop/Stack, Anadarko Packages

Transaction Type
Midcontinent; Anadarko Basin
Announce Date
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Estimated Price

The following information is provided by EnergyNet. All inquiries on the following listings should be directed to EnergyNet. Hart Energy is not a brokerage firm and does not endorse or facilitate any transactions.

Grizzly Energy LLC is offering for sale two packages of oil and gas assets in the Midcontinent region, according to EnergyNet, which has been retained as exclusive adviser to assist with the divestments.

Grizzly Energy is the new moniker of Vanguard Natural Resources. Following the completion of a financial restructuring in July, Vanguard emerged with the new name as well as a new focus on operating long-lived producing properties primarily in the Rockies, Permian Basin and Midcontinent regions.

The two packages comprise of sealed-bid opportunities in the Northern Scoop/Stack and Anadarko Southeast. Bids for the Northern Scoop/Stack package are due Oct. 24 and the Anadarko Southeast bids are due Oct. 31.

The Northern Scoop/Stack package includes assets in Northern Oklahoma across portions of Alfalfa, Blaine, Canadian, Dewey, Garfield, Garvin, Kingfisher, Logan, Major, McClain, Oklahoma, Woods and Woodward counties.

Meanwhile, the Anadarko Southeast package is comprised of 380 properties and includes operations, nonoperated working interest, royalty interest and overriding royalty interest (ORRI) plus leasehold acreage in Caddo, Comanche and Grady counties, Okla.

For complete due diligence information visit or email Heidi Epstein, manager of business development, at, or Denna Arias, director of transaction management, at