Marketed: Grey Rock Commodore Bakken/Three Fork Minerals

Transaction Type
Williston Basin; Bakken Shale/Three Forks
Announce Date
Post Date
Close Date
Estimated Price

The following information is provided by RedOaks Energy Advisors LLC. All inquiries on the following listings should be directed to RedOaks. Hart Energy is not a brokerage firm and does not endorse or facilitate any transactions.

Grey Rock Commodore LLC retained RedOaks Energy Advisors LLC for the sale of its core Bakken/Three Forks mineral position with bids due June 11.


  • 661 Net Royalty Acres located in McKenzie County, N.D.
  • 13 producing horizontal wells
  • Significant near-term development | Next 12-Months cash flow (proved developed producing plus drilled but uncompleted wells):  $3.3 million
    • Five wells recently completed and flowing back
    • 14 DUCs with completions scheduled
  • Premier Operators:  Continental Resources Inc. / Petro-Hunt LLC

Bids are due by noon CST June 11. For information visit or contact David Carter, managing director of RedOaks, at or 214-420-2334.