While few things, if any, in life are perfect, Hart Energy’s E&P staff strives to bring readers the highest quality information possible. E&P aims to provide the upstream oil and gas sector with information vital to making informed decisions, bringing in subject matter experts to provide readers with technical content. But are we giving you, our online and print readers, information you want and need? We want your feedback so that we can improve our offerings. Step inside the cover of the E&P magazine, and readers will find upstream information on operator solutions, exploration technology, drilling and completions, production enhancement, management issues, unconventionals, and offshore news, with insight from senior editors who have years, even decades, of industry experience. But is the coverage well-balanced? How would you rate our breadth of coverage? Would you like to read articles about renewable energy? Would you rather skip articles about the digital oil field? Which sections of the magazine do you read every month? Which ones do you skip? Why? Are the articles too long? Too short? Missing valuable technical information? Are more photos needed? What about graphics? Want to see more statistics such as rig counts and production figures? More shale news? More domestic shale news? More international shale news? How much time do you spend reading the magazine? What about epmag.com? Visitors to the website can get news on topics such as drilling, land and leasing, field development, reservoir evaluation updates, and the latest on wildcats as well as career promotions, regulatory changes, and new technology. Exclusives and featured articles shed light on issues of interest to those in industry, whether it’s how a particular company is reshaping its operations to target plays in certain areas or highlights from recent reports about hydrocarbon resource estimates. We want to know how often you visit the website, how long you stay there, and what keeps you coming back. Would you like to see more technology articles on the website? What additional topics would you like to see covered? Do you visit the website to get the latest industry news? If not, where do you go? Is the website easy to navigate? Would you like to see photo galleries with some online articles? Want to read more than international and offshore news on epmag.com? This list could go on and on, but I’ll stop here. I still may have missed some of your concerns. That’s why we want to hear from you. There is always room for improvement. Please let us know what you think. Email comments to vaddison@hartenergy.com.