Using Automatic Moment Tensor Inversion (Auto-MTI), the dynamics of the rock failure are captured in real-time as the fracture events are detected. The moment tensors provide a rich source of information about the geometry of fractures and the stresses that produced them. Combining the microseismic information with the real-time pump information enables a number of analyses:
- Real-Time Fracture Modeling helps determine fracture size and orientation as data are acquired, allowing for a realistic real-time visualization of the fracture treatment.
- Real-Time Dynamic SRV Estimation models fracture intensity and induced permeability to allow for real-time analysis of SRV and Productive-SRV.
- Real-Time End-of-stage EUR and Drainage Estimation generates permeability models and type curves for rapid assessment of induced drainage area and overall productivity.
- Real-Time Rapid Stress Analysis allows for more detailed moment tensor data for rapid analysis of the interaction of the stress regime and the treatment.
- URLS: “Download The Full Article.” “Learn More About Real-Time Completions Evaluation.”